attached is a "frog/pond poem... haiga that I did in 1999.
here is one that I sent to Cid in 2000 or so..
I think that it was published in Hummingbird, and/or Modern Haiku, and/or sketch book, and or moonset... I forget exactly.
so many frogs
in one pond
c r o a k i n g !
This just in from Carole Macrury:
The 11th Tanka Society of America’s
International Competition Call for Submissions
Deadline: Postmark date of May 10, 2010.
Eligibility: Open to all, members and non-members alike, except TSA officers and judges.
Regulations: Any number of tanka may be submitted. Entries must be original, in English, unpublished, and not submitted for publication or to any other contest.
Entry Fee: $1.00 per tanka, U.S. funds only. Please make checks/money orders payable to the "Tanka Society of America."
Submissions: Submit each tanka on three separate 3 x 5 inch cards, two with the tanka only (for anonymous judging), the third with the tanka and the author's name and address in the upper left-hand corner. Type or print neatly please.
Submit entries and fees to: Carole MacRury, 1636 Edwards Drive, Point Roberts, WA 98281-8511 USA
Awards: First prize: $100; Second Prize: $50; Third Prize: $25. Amount of prizes may be reduced if an insufficient number of entries are received. Winning poems will be published in Ribbons, the Tanka Society of America journal.
Adjudication: The name(s) of the judge(s) will be announced after the contest.
Rights: All rights revert to the authors after publication.
Correspondence: Unfortunately, entries cannot be returned. Please send a business size SASE for answers to queries or for a list of winning entries. For foreign entries, send a self-addressed envelope and one international reply coupon.
2010 Bath Japanese Festival Info Page
Alan Summers sent this (only 61 days left!):https://sites.google.com/site/bathjapanesefestival/welcome
Photos from the 1st Quarterly Meeting of the HSA (2010)
This just in from Deborah P Kolodji:
I've posted photos from the 2010 First Quarterly Meeting of the Haiku Society of America on Flickr. It was hosted in Pasadena, California by the Southern California Haiku Study Group.
Angelee Deodhar sent this link to several haibun by Geert Verbeke and friends:
Thanks for putting up the temporary website link to the 2010 Bath Japanese Festival.
Rachel and myself are the co-organisers, but it is also a collaboration between Bath U.K.; Tokyo; Akita; and New York.
A respected New York artist is working on our logo as I speak. ;-)
There will be Contemporary Japanese bookmaking and art; origami; films; haiku and renga activities and lots more!
We have a Facebook Page as well and will start posting more events on the temporary website; Facebook; and Twitter.
Bear with us, we're on Tokyo; New York and Bath U.K. timezones! ;-)
all my best,
Festival weblink: Bath Japanese Festival organisers
Ed Baker rocks! Great post. Thanks for all the information, too.
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