Sunday, November 22, 2009

Melinda Hipple - Three Questions

Melinda HippleMelinda Hipple is an award-winning artist, photographer and writer. A native of Missouri [USA], she now lives in Kansas teaching art and belly dance classes, and writing in many different genre. She is the haiga editor for Notes from the Gean, a Journal of Japanese Short Forms.

Among her many works are two science fiction novels, a mystery novella and several poetry collections. She was a past editor and columnist for Up the Creek News and her published works include haiku, senryu, tanka and haiga.

1) Why do you write haiku?

I began writing haiku simply because I write. I love all forms of writing, but eventually I learned enough about the genre to understand 'why' to write it. Once I learned to read/write it more properly, I fell in love with the power held in this tiny form. I no longer sit at the computer and set out to compose a haiku, but do the traditional thing of carrying a small notebook to capture a moment. I will scribble on napkins or backs of checkbooks to put a moment on paper before it's gone.

2) What other poetic forms do you enjoy?

I love all forms of writing from novels to long, metered/rhymed poetry. The most important thing for me in reading an author's work is for them to give me enough to wedge my way inside their meaning and catch a glimpse of what they are trying to communicate. If an author is too vague, then perhaps it should be filed away with those poems (as are some of my haiku) that have personal meaning but don't translate to the outside world.

3) Of the many wonderful haiku you've written, what do you consider to be your top three?

Always, I find new levels of understanding so I do hope the top three are always changing. These three are among my current favorites. I've been criticized for 'one moment ago' being written in past tense, but the moment of perception is present tense - 'this light.' I hope it brings to the reader the same sense of wonder I felt when I wrote it.

one moment ago. . .
this light that touched
the moon

the moon
a little less than full
hope chest

lingering light. . .
a wasp barely visible
against the sky

If you've been enjoying this weekly series and have not contributed, please consider sharing your response (whether it be for haiku or tanka) to the three little questions that Melinda answered. You must be a published poet to participate.


Pan Haiku Review said...

lingering light. . .
a wasp barely visible
against the sky

This is fantastic. It might appear simple but conjures up so many sensations.

The Super Renga
BBC renga article

Carlos Colon said...

Excellent poems, Melinda. - Carlos

Anonymous said...

aha there you are
great samples of your work mel


Unknown said...

well, I cannot tell you the last time that I have actually written down a haiku, since I like to feel an image, like turning a stone between your fingers, but, within my mind. Before reading any comments, it's no surprise that I have selected the same poem that Alan Summers has:

lingering light. . .
a wasp barely visible
against the sky

Both images juxtapose wonderfully! I do not
believe that it is, but it's close to being an oxymoron, which is okay as far as I know within the genre.

I thought that I have read every poem that you have ever written since you first came up, but I can see now, that I am incorrect.

You have toughed upon a good note too, it is as important to understand how to read a haiku as writing the genre, whether or not, that was your intention?