Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bill Ramsey - Three Questions

Bill RamseyBill Ramsey's new haiku book, More Wine, is now available from Red Moon Press. Warning: this book may be hazardous to postmodern angst. Its back cover states: "Haiku long has relished the quietistic impulse. Ecstatic verse has favored dramatic exuberance. These two traditions are stirred into a global mix in More Wine. Wine, an old symbol of human thirst for an intimate Beloved, here pours through yearnings of our postmodern sensibility."

Bill's first book of haiku was This Wine (Deep North Press, 2002). His selected haibun appeared as Ascend with Care (LeapPress, 2003). Other verse has appeared in Chiron Review, Christian Century, Commonweal, Exquisite Corpse, South Carolina Review, Southern Review, and others.

1) Why do you write haiku?

I write to pay attention to the internal self, to sustain an integrated life, and to record my 8 inches of snail’s progress toward the Divine.

2) What other poetic forms do you enjoy?

I've heard of the deep spiritual profundity to be found in limericks; however, I have not yet found it there. So I read Rumi, Hafiz, Rabia, and Kabir.

3) Of the many wonderful haiku you've written, what do you consider to be your top three?

    the dead boy

on a Rwandan road

    as i eat shrimp

    born to live i hoe

and, ah, born to die

    i kiss the melon

    the light turning green

against a vast night--

    my turn to go

If you've been enjoying this weekly series and have not contributed, please consider sharing your response (whether it be for haiku or tanka) to the three little questions that Bill answered. You must be a published poet to participate.


Pan Haiku Review said...

I really appreciate the haiku. They are very fresh, immediate, and a welcome style.

Glad to hear you read Kabir!

I don't think everything has been translated in Hindi (and English) from Sanskrit yet, as he continues to "startle and confront us" us even in today's world.

all my best,

Alan’s Area 17 blog

snowbird said...

Bill, Your "forking compost/ raising all the dead/ to wincing light" in the current issue of Frogpond reminds me what I have to do once the snow is gone around here...raise the dead! I always enjoy your haiku... serendipity along the way. Many thanks. Merrill

Terri L. French said...

"to record my 8 inches of snail’s progress toward the Divine."

I think there may be a haiku there, Bill!