The Plenitude of Emptiness
hortensia anderson : collected haibun
Preview of a title shortly available from Darlington Richards through, containing 115 haibun from this master of the poetic form which combines distilled, essentialized prose with haiku:
Photography & Haibun: Canyonlands Personal Journal
Ray Rasmussen sent this:
Just sharing something that I'm doing with some of my published haibun pieces that focus on my annual trip to Utah's Canyon Country with a photography add in.
A new issue of Contemporary Haibun Online has been released:
A new issue of Atlas Poetica : A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka has been released.
an'ya sent this (Click to enlarge an image):
We are getting ready early for our HSA Oregon Regional Haiku Meeting. It's in Oregon in May, but we would like to extend an invitation for any haiku poets to join us. Of course, an RSVP would be required for food purposes and if anyone stayed longer than one day. love ya . . an'ya

Ray's web - Canyon Lands Journal is simply amazing. Also, the forthcoming book Plentitude of Emptiness is a life you do not want to miss. The courage and insight of both so different, and yet indicative of what the human spirit can do and where it can go.
Many thanks, Merrill
There is so much to read here and the links to the journals are a great resource.
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