If I had a Son
Good news your son is blind
Bad news He's an eyeball
Drum beats Cymbals
My son
Watching me Gauging
if I'm
how he'll define
He's a gelatinous ball of vein
wearing Chucks
I smile when I don't plan to
I imagine teaching him the theory of crosswalks
the angles of cathedrals
what angels there are in dark chocolate
I'm a man he says
at the age of 5
walking in front of me
staring people off
He holds my hand
with his little mitts
like mini hamburger
helper man hands
when no one is looking
If you would like to participate in this series, send a photo of yourself composing a poem or writing or a picture of a location where you enjoy writing, along with one of your poems (the type/genre of poem doesn't matter). This series will allow us to see the various locations that inspire us or where we go to write.
so glad to be a part of the series Curtis!
Now I feel famous :)
I am sending my blog. Thanks for your artful writing.
Thanks Dianne!
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