Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kuniharu Shimizu - haiga & Basho

This just in from Kuniharu Shimizu:

I am starting a project in which I make haiga for all the haiku that appear in Basho's 'Narrow Road to Oku'. Dr. Donald Keene has given me his permission to use his translation for my haiga. The haiga will appear one by one on my blog so if you and your friends are interested, please visit my blog.( The first one is already uploaded. Thank you.

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Do please visit Kuni-san's haiga site, it's sheer pleasure.

I was lucky enough to be a haijinx co-editor with Kuni-san many moons ago, and been priviliged to see a lot of artwork over the years.

all my best,
With Words Online Haiku Competition.