Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Competition Results and Call for Submissions

This just in from Billie Wilson:

Modern Haiku has announced the winners of the 2009 Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Award Competition. The first three prizes were awarded to:

First Prize: Anne LB Davidson

spring floods —
I move the sink spider
to a safer spot

Second Prize: Nola Borrell

adult walk
a skip
in the child’s step

Third Prize: Bruce Ross

a sudden tinkling
of the wind bell
winter stars

Honorable Mentions were won by Stephen Gould, Michael McClintock, Scott Mason, Bill Pauly, and Marilyn Appl Walker.

The winning haiku and the judges’ comments appear in Modern Haiku issue 40.2 (summer 2009), which was mailed May 11 and 12th, and on the Modern Haiku web site.

Saša Važić sent these results:

The Results of Kaji Aso Studio’s International Haiku Contest 2009

This program is supported by the Consul General of Japan in Boston

Kaji Aso Studio has been happy to see such an international participation in our annual haiku contest. This means that Japanese cultural is being understood by more and more people. We are encouraged by your participation and hope that you will continue to write haiku and think of Kaji Aso Studio as your supporter.

rising sun—
the sunflowers’
dark heads

First prize -
Verica Zivkovic

youngest daughter
passing through
the willow shoots

Second Prize -
Desiree McMurry

vernal pool—
the hardy lily cradles
a young sun

Third Prize -

Special additional prize: “The Elizabeth Searle Lamb Award donated by Carolyn Lamb”

a shovel leans
in the snow

Roland Packer

Senryu Award

smokers’ lounge
everyone leaves behind
a bit of ash

Tanu Deo Sharma

Honorable Mentions

lifting fog
the cormorant
on his rock

John Bird

sunlit steps
a church elder prods
the sleeping dog

John Bird

midday heat—
milk cows chew their cuds
under the oak trees

Darold D. Braida

morning moon
the soap bar floating
just barely there

Barry Goodman

day moon
the girls next door
spin hula hoops

Catherine Lee

the surrounding city...
slate headstones tilted
every which way

Scott Mason

overgrown thicket
the intersection
of old stone walls

Paul Miller

first spring day
the same little nest
of faded twigs

Bruce Ross

a wave
passing waves
full moon

Natalia L. Rudycher

chasing pigeons
a little girl releases
her father’s hand

Wendy Smith

And this from Sketchbook:

Please consider participating in these 2 haiku activities for the May / June 30, 2009 issue of Sketchbook:

May / June 2009 “sunflower(s)” Kukai

May - June 2009 "wedding" Haiku Thread

Link to the current issue of Sketchbook

General submissions for the May / June 30, 2009 issue close on June 20 at midnight.

The Sketchbook Editors

Karina Klesko and John Daleiden

kk, jd

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Just three days left to the With Words Online Haiku Competition!

The deadline is midnight (all zones) Sunday 31st May.

With Words Online Haiku Competition webpage:With Words Online Haiku CompetitionLast year's results and charity details at:
With Words 2008 report.