Shape of a Box
Issue 65 of Shape of a Box is online with poems by Rivka Keren.
Winter Moon Awards for Haiku 2009 Results
This just in from Carolyn Thomas:
First Prize $100
record heat
my mind full
of mistakes
Glenn G. Coats VA
Second Prize $50
her sixty fifth
she shows us a rare iris
deeply veined
John Parsons UK
Third Prize $25
the color of his hair
in the leaves
Marguerite Frarey NY
Zen Award $25
just enough snow
to show
the lines of the plough
John F. Ziemba MA
Honorable Mention
heat wave---
we rest on the shady side
of the tombstone
Carole MacRury WA
scent of straw
each hen
a different voice
Barbara Snow OR
late frost
the frayed seams
of his jeans
Barbara Snow OR
full moon---
she describes
the tumor’s size
Susan Marie La Vallee HI
I find reasons
to return
Jennifer Gomoll Popolis IL
autumn melancholy---
she hand paints
another comb
Pamela A. Babusci NY
Congratulations to the winners chosen from 374 entries. Thanks to all who entered. I wish you peace, joy and prosperity in the New Year.---Carolyn Thomas
We are now accepting submissions of haiku and related forms on a theme of MUSIC for the 3LIGHTS Spring 2010 edition. Please submit up to ten haiku/senryu/tanka/kyoka with a musical theme, along with a brief biography, to The closing date for all submissions is March 1st 2010 - the Spring edition will be published in April.
For full submission details, visit
Issue 1 of the 3LIGHTS Journal will be released this month at
Best wishes,
Liam Wilkinson
Editor, 3LIGHTS
This just in from an'ya:
Hi there folks, now that we've all survived the holiday season one way or another, just a reminder to submit your work for the Spring/Summer Issue of moonset before our 1 February 2010 deadline. Due to those kind and generous souls who were able to donate, we have filed for our non-profit and are now in process of applying for grants, (although of course, these things take time as you all know). Anyway please feel free to submit your works to the following moonset editors:
haiku and sequences, senryu, and any questions: please email an'ya at
tanka (individual or sequences): please email Amelia Fielden at:
renku: please email Norman Darlington at:
haibun: please email Bruce Ross at:
Entries for the moonset haiku contest : please email
photographic-arts: please email Jim Swift at:
For postal addresses and more details, or to become a subscriber, please visit our website at:
If you plan to send your book in for review, please contact an'ya first, at and I'll let you know where to mail them.
Any news, notes or announcements that you would like posted at the moonset website, please email Sasa Vazic' at:
In addition, attached is our "Author this Picture" painted by resident moonset artist Marje A. Dyck of Canada. Marje herself will choose the haiku she thinks best suits her artwork and we will publish this in our spring issue. It is not too late to submit your haiku before 1 February for this feature, so please email submissions to an'ya at:
Also attached here is a sneak-peak at moonset's new heavy journal cover (front and back) which we are proud to present with our Spring/Summer 2010 issue, again, as a result of donations received in 2009. We thank you ever so much! love ya', an'ya & very Respectfully peterB

thanks for including shape of a box in your shout outs :)
Hi, an'ya, So glad you posted this on Tobacco Road. Still trying to keep up with you...have a very wonder filled New Year.
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