Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend update

 Howard Lee Kilby sent this:

The Arkansas Haiku Society will host the 15th annual haiku conference in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas at the library of National Park Community College on November 4th and 5th. Haiku poets from New Mexico to Maryland will be joining together with many southern states to enjoy haiku. There is no registration fee. The public is cordially invited to attend. For information email (use Haiku Conference in the subject line) or telephone 501-767-6096.


Ed Baker sent this:


Woodland Rose said...

Wow! That was great. I was feeling a little down about all the snow but this is a real pick-me-up. Love the shot of your boots too. Thanks.

snowbird said...

Hawthorn berries
winter bleeds cold
deep in the bone

Wonderful clip Curtis.... sudden winter before Thanksgiving... the wind is starting to howl even louder as I write this.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Great to hear some modern music as a backdraft for classic haiku.

The contrast works well, as it almost always do, and shows the vivacity of classic haiku.

Too often haiku is seen as ancient, yet as this video proves, it's fresh, contemporary, and relevant.

Alan, With Words

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Fine video, Curtis ... thanks for the promo on Ed's new book, too.
