Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HNA 2011 Anthology and Notes from the Gean

Michael Dylan Welch sent this:

Standing Still: 2011 Haiku North America Conference Anthology

Standing Still: 2011 Haiku North America Conference Anthology. Michael Dylan Welch and Ruth Yarrow, editors. Dejah Léger, illustrations. Sammamish, Washington: Press Here, 2011. ISBN 978-0-878798-32-9, 5.5x8.5 inches, 36 pages, 74 poets (one poem each). $8 plus postage from Michael Dylan Welch at 22230 NE 28th Place, Sammamish, WA 98074-6408 USA (please inquire about postage, depending where you live, by emailing Read selected poems from Standing Still at “The 2011 conference theme of ‘Fifty Years of Haiku’ reminds us that it has been five solid decades that English-language haiku has flourished in North America, with the first haiku journal having started in 1963.This theme also connects us to the location of the 2011 conference at Seattle Center, at the foot of Space Needle, which opened for the World’s Fair in 1962.With fifty years of creativity and increasing numbers of poets and poems to celebrate, the Haiku North America conference demonstrates that haiku poets do not stand still in their development and appreciation for this rewarding genre of poetry.” —from the introduction (read the entire introduction at

Colin Stewart Jones sent this:

Gean Tree Press News:

Submissions Policy Change

Dear Readers

In our mission statement Notes from the Gean encourages experimentation and because of this it is incumbent upon us that we must also be forward thinking and keep up with modern methods of communication. Therefore, we have changed our submissions policy to reflect this.

At Notes from the Gean we believe that there is much poetry posted on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter etc, that is worthy of publishing. Including such works, that could easily be missed or lost due to the volume of posts on such sites, in a specialist magazine setting ensures that they are properly presented and kept for posterity.

As poetry on social networks and blogs is not representative of an editor’s selection we, therefore, deem such works as unpublished. Though we now consider such works to be unpublished we still ask that they not be under consideration elsewhere and that you also bear in mind that each work will still have to undergo the same rigorous selection process, by our editors, as any other submission would.

Submissions for the September issue, close on September 14th

We apologise for our first time being late but Volume3, issue 2 will be out on the 28th of September

follow this link for details on our editors:

 Richard Krawiec, USA  will be accepting submissions for Haibun from September 15th 

for a sneak preview of our new look and philosophy please follow this link to our Facebook page :

Also as part of our commitment to furthering the understanding of haiku at a grass roots level NFTG will be conducting a Ginko in Aberdeen, Scotland, September 17th

Notes from the Gean Ginko
Samurai Gala Day, Aberdeen, Scotland, 17th September 2011

As part of Aberdeen’s celebrations for Thomas Blake Glover; “The Scottish Samurai” Notes from the Gean will lead a Ginko (haiku nature walk), which will be free and open to the public, from St Machar Cathedral through Seaton Park along the Don River and on to the Brig O’ Balgownie past Glover’s old home and then proceed through the Nature Reserve to the Murchar (Don Estuary).

This should take around 2-2.5 hours, but we will cater to all ages and abilities

People should bring a notepad and pen to take down notes of images from the ginko

Wear good shoes/boots and dress for the weather

We will then hold a session (in a venue TBA)
here the walkers will work on images gathered from the Ginko
and Alan Summers and Colin Stewart Jones help to produce these into Haiku

Alan will then lead a Renga/Renku session and there will be an opportunity to perform the finished work

Notes From the Gean will run a special feature on the event which will be published
along with selected haiku and renga from the ginko  in the next issue of the NFTG

Notes from the Gean
Editor-in-Chief/Resources Editor

Colin Stewart Jones, Scotland

Gean Tree Press is a publishing house based in Scotland. We already bring you the highly successful Notes from the Gean; our flagship journal. NFTG has recently undergone a major restructuring and is also currently undergoing a program to modernize it and, therefore, NFTG will now be completelyy aligned with its mission to "encourage excellence, experimentation and education..." The mission of GTP is no different.

Further to this, GTP is also committed to bringing quality book and e-books containing modern English-language haiku and/or related genres, to the wider reading public. Although poetry is a niche market, and haiku even more so, GTP understands its market and believes that haiku books should be, and must be, produced by specialist publishers. GTP is, at present, in discussions with various funding bodies and arts agencies with a view to producing a catalog to further this aim.

Though we are forward thinking, GTP is also a traditional publishing house which believes that the quality of the work is paramount and they poetry should stand on its own merit. We will, therefore, never charge reading fees nor ask our authors to contribute towards the costs of publishing their books. All our authors will be offered contracts and they will be paid a percentage of the profits from sales of their books.
GTP already has some very exciting projects in the pipeline and will be looking to bring even more to you very soon. A press release and a call for manuscript submissions will be forthcoming but in the meantime we ask that you do not send us any submissions.

Colin Stewart Jones
Gean Tree Press

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

You can read, and see, how the Samurai Gala Day went from this Notes from the Gean weblink:
Samurai Gala Day report, photos, and poetry

