Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday updates - October 27

Penny Harter sent the following message:

I am having a hysterectomy on Thursday morning, October 28th. Please send light and prayers for a successful surgery my way. When I'm able, from my daughter's house I'll let Curtis know how I'm doing after surgery. And if you want to be in touch, e-mail me and I'll get back to you via my netbook, while recuperating at my daughter's, after the first foggy couple of days there.


We love you too, Penny. The poetry community will inundate you with prayers and healing thoughts.

Here's a message from Scott Metz:

Dear Roadrunner Reader,

Issue X:3 (October 2010) is now up:


—The Scorpion Prize #21 by Tom Raworth


—"Peggy Willis Lyles: A Celebration"

—"Tada Chimako's Haiku" by Hiroaki Sato


—Tom Raworth: An Interview

Thanks for reading, and please do pass this email on to others.

Scott Metz

Sasa Vazic sent this sad news about Slavko Sedlar:

It is with great regret that I inform you that the great Serbian poet, Slavko Sedlar, passed away.
(7 July 1932-24 October 2010)

Merrill Gonzales sent this sad news about H.F. (Tom) Noyes:

Dear Curtis,

vincent tripi called to let me know that he's been advised that H.F.(Tom) Noyes passed away last April. Tom was 92 and loved by many people...he surely loved life. He loved the country of Greece...and the happy accident that led him to live there.

vincent has 25 copies of Tom's last book: still here 110 pages, letterpress. and a stack of what vincent considers Tom's death poem: "Basho's death poem/ my grandson asks/ for mine"...letterpress. vincent can be reached at 413-772-2354.

Here's is a review of still here:

Here are a few haiku by H. F. Noyes:


Ed Baker said...


over the years I've exchanged many post cards
with Tom.
I just recently
(in 2004) wrote a 'shortie'
re: the living/dieing of many friends:




((the poem recently in 2nd
Annual Bashō Challenge (Lilliput))


Issa's Untidy Hut said...

H. F. Noyes work was always a highlight of each issue of "Modern Haiku."

A tip of the hat to a master.

And best wishes to Penny for a quick recovery.


snowbird said...

Penny, You are in my heart and mind and prayers for the healing your own light provides...what has healed so many others will heal you as well. I went through this several years ago, and after awhile discovered it was the best thing I ever did. Sometimes we just have to go through these things. Your spirit will see you through. Love, Merrill

Terri L. French said...

Penny, I am a Reiki practioner and believe in the healing power of thoughts and prayers, as well as touch. Healing light sent your way. Namaste

Ed--I love your poem!

Adelaide said...

To Penny,

My prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

To the family of H.F. Noyes, my sympathy and sorrow that another great haijin is gone. It has been a year of many loses in the haiku world. The memory and works of these poets live on for future generations.

Adelaide B. Shaw

Pan Haiku Review said...

All my very best.and love to you Penny. A speedy recovery so that you continue your readings; workshops; and writing! :-)

My commiserations to the loss of these writers too. I knew Tom well via the Japanese haiku magazine "Azami" and always looked forward to his haiku and commentaries. Tom and myself worked as sort of bookends with our comments on haiku in the magazine. :-)

Alan, With Words

Ed Baker said...

this that follows just in-to-me- from karma... he was unable to connect with/into your comment 'thing':

i love tom noyes's poem, 'Basho's death poem. . .' but tom some few years ago sent me a letter in which was included what tom said he was leaving as his death poem, i think one he'd recently written.

sadly, i don't have a copy of that letter--it may be in my papers in the haiku archives of the calif. state library--and only dimly remember the poem, in which i think tom's spirit was somehow looking down and smiling or laughing.

tom's book 'still here' is excellent, lovingly made by his great friend, vincent tripi.

sure hope to see more of tom's 'favorite haiku' collections back in print, even if only online . . . and/or perhaps his final compilation in that series, which i think is in the hands of one of his many friends.

tom was a great champion of haiku and of haiku poets, and a dear dear friend to many including myself.

i'll miss him.

karma tenzing wangchuk
port townsend, cascadia, turtle island
