Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wild Goose, Dead Mule, and Poetea

The fall 2009 issue of The Wild Goose Poetry Review is online. North Carolina Haiku Society member, Richard Krawiec, has a poem in this issue and one other NCHS member has a couple of poems.

Also appearing in this issue are William Alton, Jessie Carty, Harry Calhoun, Daniel Casey, Tawnysha Greene, Marvin Lurie, Felicia Mitchell, Grant Morgan, Simon Perchik, Sam Rasnake, Tony Ricciardelli, Gabriel Shanks, John Sibley Williams, and A.D. Winans.

Poetry, book reviews, and more...

The November issue of The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature is also online. Southern Legitimacy Statements are available on the poetry page. After reading the SLS, click the poet's name to read their poems.

Appearing in this issue are Tim Peeler, Scott Owens, Jane Crown, Lance Levens, Adrianne J. Odasso, Rusty Barnes, Barry Basden, Anthony Robbins, Sandra Ervin, Adams, Lesley Doyle, Nancy Posey, and yours truly. :)

And finally, here's the third and final video of Poetea IV:


Roberta Beary said...

Curtis, Congratulations on your publication of two fine poems in The Wild Goose Poetry Review. I read your poet's comment about observation poems with interest. Here is your comment:

"Both poems are based on people I know; the events in each poem are based on actual events. Names have been changed or not mentioned so as to not hurt anyone’s feelings (or have them hurt me). They are…observation poems."

As a poet, I follow the proverb “all is grist for the mill”. That being said, what do other poets who are readers of this blog think about Curtis' comment concerning hurt feelings?

Pan Haiku Review said...

Although my own personal preference is for direct experience/observation haiku I am certainly not biased against other approaches.

There are so many ways into haiku, and my own writing (but not reading) preference is to follow that route, and to suggest it in my workshops that I do for non-poets in particular.

I like the autobiographical route, but of course certain other observation haiku are indirectly touching on the same vein.

Despite its smallness, haiku is more than big enough to absorb many styles and roadmaps.

In my current residency 'renga verses' have provided an incredible outlet for both librarians and visitors alike, and perhaps are healthier for this because of their brevity protecting the author from 'over dwelling' on the hurt feelings and other issues.


snowbird said...

Roberta, There is a truth sometimes that must be said...light to be shined in dark areas that keep us blind to things that must illuminated so we can see them for what they are. In my life I have seldom ever been able to find the words to do this and when I read what you do I want you to know that you have liberated me. I think that those who know the words...have the duty as human beings to say them. Only those who say those words in truth and love will be the ones who accomplish what must be done. Many thanks for your courage.

Terri L. French said...

Congrats to all the poets published this month. A personal congrats to my friend, Nancy Posey. Nancy I loved all three poems, but particularly "Wash Tub Ablutions!"

Roberta Beary said...

For those who have emailed me privately to ask for an example of what I meant by 'grist for the mill' here is one of my haibun. I am not sure if it meets the standard of Curtis' observation poems.

sunday dinner

I LIKE MY HUSBAND but not the older sister too bossy for me the way she likes to tell me
we don't call him sweetie pie in this house who died and made her queen and the younger sister
too always talking money and how poor growing up but mostly i don't like the way they knew him
all those stolen years before he found me

the rosethorns
back and forth

Previously published in Modern Haiku, 36:1 (2005) and recipient of a Favorite Haibun Award.