Monday, October 5, 2009

Harter published in The Dead Mule

Let's kick-off the workweek with a plateful of poetry, several helpings in fact:

The new issue of The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature is online and reading for viewing. Among the many fine poets in this issue is our very own Penny Harter. Penny has written a beautiful Southern Legitimacy Statement (a requirement of The Mule), retracing her family ties to the South. Her poems are poignant, excellently written, very moving.

Also in this issue are poems by Michael H. Benton, Jozef Lisowski, Lisa McEntyre, Chelsea Peloquin, Amanda James Dill, Charlie G. Hughes, Norman Thomas Cooper, C. N. Bean, Christine Swint, Lamar Foster, and Justin Evans.

Southern Legitimacy Statements for each poet are located on the poetry page. After reading the SLS, click on the poet's name to read their poems.

Happy Reading!


Pan Haiku Review said...

Fantastic Penny, I will enjoy reading them all at great length. ;-)

all my best,
With Words

Pamela A. Babusci said...

great poetry!!
love, pamela

Unknown said...

nice stuff Penny. Let me know if and when you are doing a local gig again. I just came back from school, so I should be driving soon.
