Friday, August 21, 2009

Contest/Competition News

We had a record-breaking registration week at work folks!

Now, to get caught up on a few things:

This just in from Rick Black:

Turtle Light Press is glad to announce its second bi-annual Haiku Chapbook Competition. In general, we are open to both traditional and modern-style haiku but have a particular fondness for haiku that deal with both nature and people. Please submit an original, unpublished collection or sequence of poems on a theme of your choice between 12 - 24 pages, two haiku per page maximum, postmarked by December 1, 2009. For entry fee and more details, please go to:

And from Ms. Cathy L. Walker:

The 2010 Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Haiku Awards

Announcing the 2010 Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Haiku Awards, sponsored by the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland and dedicated to the memory of Baltimore-based haiku poet and teacher Anita Sadler Weiss.

Deadline: IN-HAND by JANUARY 31, 2010.

Sponsor: The Haiku Poets of Central Maryland.

Eligibility: Open to the public, aged 14 and up. (Only the contest coordinators are prohibited from entering.)

Awards: Total of $300.00 in prize money: First Place, $175.00; Second Place, $75.00; Third Place, $50.00. Five ranked Honorable Mentions will also be awarded. (Contest coordinators reserve the right to lower the prize money if sufficient entries are not received to cover the stated awards.)

Submissions: All entries must be the original work of the poet, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.

Entry fee: $1.00 per poem. Poets may enter up to 15 haiku. Entry fee must accompany submission.

Submission Guidelines: Print or type each individual haiku on three separate 3-inch x 5-inch white index cards. On the back of ONE CARD ONLY print or type your name, address, and email address (if one is available). Include a No. 10 (business-size) SASE (or SAE plus US$1 for return postage for entries sent from outside the U.S.) for notification. Also enclose your entry fee in U.S. currency or check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to “HPCM/Elizabeth Fanto.” ENTRIES NOT FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES WILL BE RETURNED OR (IF SUFFICIENT POSTAGE AND/OR ENVELOPE ARE LACKING) DISCARDED. Entries without SASE or SAE + return postage will not receive winner notification.

Send entries to: Haiku Poets of Central Maryland, c/o Elizabeth Fanto, 51 Gerard Avenue, Timonium, MD 21093 USA. DO NOT EMAIL ENTRIES.

Notification/publication: Winners’ list will be mailed on April 6, 2010, to commemorate Anita Sadler Weiss’ birthday. Notification of winning poems will be sent to all competition participants and made available to the public for an SASE while supplies last. The winning poems also will be printed in The Dragonfly, the newsletter of the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland. All rights remain with the poets.

Adjudication: The name(s) of the judge(s) will be announced concurrently with the winning haiku.

And from Alan Summers:

The Full Results of the 2nd With Words International Online Haiku Competition (2009) are now up:

The Competition Report plus the Judge's Commentary are now up to read as well as the winning haiku.

Backlinks will also go up to save a certain amount of scrolling for future viewing.

There will be changes to the 3rd With Words haiku competition and we will be happy to hear about feedback.

Details as to how to contact us are on the webpage:

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks Curtis for putting up details about the With Words haiku competition! ;-)

We are getting some amazing, and very moving comments and feedback about our competition.

We are also open to ideas about making the competition better for haiku writers (but without scaring people off that are new to poetry and new to haiku in particular).

We do get a lot of entries from people who have possibly rarely delved into poetry or haiku in particular.

This forms our central piller of promoting the love of words, which we often do with quality haiku or renga/renku activities both live and online.

BTW I'm definitely looking into entering the "Turtle Light Press chapbook competition", and I hope many of you do also. ;-)

That goes the same for the "The 2010 Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Haiku Awards", please do enter and support this competition!

all my best,
With Words Online Haiku Competition Results