Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Publications, Meetings, and Contest

Call for Submissions for March Issue

Submission Guidelines



Call for Submissions for the Next Issue - A Simplified Version

Dear Kuyu,

The next issue is planned for March 2009 and it will continue to be focused mainly on haiku and/or about haiku. However, if works of other genres are submitted they can be included if they are exceptionally good. We drastically simplified the contents of call for submission:

As for haiku poems in English or in English translation, send in by e-mail essentially anything you like, traditional or nontraditional and up to ten haiku poems, which have not been published or are not planned to be published elsewhere, to: kalaramesh8@gmail.com
AND worldhaikureview@gmail.com

The only criterion for selection is quality.

We will put selected haiku poems in either the Neo-classical Haiku, Shintai (new style) Haiku or Vanguard Haiku sections according to their characteristics. Therefore, you as a writer of haiku need not worry about this classification at all. Just follow whatever haiku your muse dictates, let it compose itself and choose the best of the poems thus created and send them to us.

As for other works relating to haiku (haibun, articles, essays or book reviews on haiku etc.), just send in whatever you think would deserve publication in WHR. Once again, quality is the only key. I will mention some indications about our selection criteria below for those who may be interested to know them.

We wish to continue to endeavour to present a unique haiku magazine which, while deeply rooted in tradition, is full of new ideas, innovative features or critical views. It will continue to aim at the highest standards and top quality as before.

Kengin to all,

Susumu Takiguchi
Managing Editor and Acting Editor-in-Chief, World Haiku Review
Chairman, The World Haiku Club



1 Hackneyed, clichés, imitative or derivative;
2 'So what?' haiku;
3 Too short to be good;
4 Made artificially vague or unintelligible (false 'yugen');
5 Gimmicky as opposed to real skills;
6 Bad English;
7 Template-like, or ticking-box-kind factory haiku;


1 New and/or original;
2 Have something to say;
3 Reflecting poetic truths, sincerity and honesty;
4 Coming from your heart and soul;
5 Based on your real and deep experiences;
6 If products of your imagination, true, fine and deep at that;
7 Transcending rules & regulations and yet good;
8 Good choice and order of words;
9 Have good rhythm;
10 Pictorial and/or musical and other sensory feel;
11 Have some sense of humour;
12 Reflecting the grasp of the essence of haiku (a sense of brevity, humour, somewhat detached view or karumi)


Basically, many things about haiku would apply to them as well. Additionally:


1 Repeating what others have said many times;
2 Trapped by and subservient to rules and regulations;
3 Uncritical parroting of received views or conventional wisdom;


1 Critical (the more so, the better);
2 Innovative;
3 New contributions to the understanding of haiku;


We are pleased to announce that Mr. Michael McClintock is the new editor of American Tanka and is reinstating its original biannual publishing schedule. Send submissions in the text of an e-mail (no attachments) to americantanka [at] gmail [dot] com. By regular mail, send submissions to:

Michael McClintock, Editor
9230 N. Stoneridge Lane
Fresno, CA 93720

Founded in 1996 by Laura Maffei, American Tanka remains dedicated exclusively to presenting contemporary English-language tanka. Published yearly, the journal has a world-wide circulation and its list of contributors regularly includes many of the most well-known tanka poets of today.

The journal strives to give every poem its particular significance by following a "one poem per page" philosophy in print.

American Tanka is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Our purpose is to provide a beautiful print venue for the publication of the best and most vivid tanka being written in English today, and to promote the reading and writing of tanka poetry worldwide. We are qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, gifts and donations. Donations and gifts will help us increase the frequency of publication of the journal and engage in outreach programs to widen the readership for tanka poetry.

American Tanka invites you to discover the power and beauty of the tanka form. The price for a single issue is $12 U.S./$14 outside the U.S. (includes shipping and handling). Or subscribe and receive two issues (one per year) for $20 U.S./$24 outside the U.S. To order a copy or a subscription, or to make a donation, send a check or money order payable to "American Tanka" to:

American Tanka
c/o Tim Younce
4906 W. State Route 55
Troy, OH 45373

Please indicate whether you are subscribing, ordering a single issue, or ordering back issues (and which ones). Mr. Younce may also be contacted by E-mail for additional subscription and donation information at: atanka [at] earthlink [dot] net.

American Tanka maintains a website at:


Submissions for Issue #18 close February 28
Submissions for Issue #19 may be sent from April - August 2009

Haiku Society of America Quarterly Meeting

The Haiku Society of America will be holding its national quarterly meeting at the University of Oregon in Eugene from March 6-8. For more information on the program and registration, please click on the following link and check under Announcements: http://honors.uoregon.edu

Robert Spiess Haiku Award Competition

Reminder: The deadline for this year’s Robert Spiess Haiku Award Competition is in-hand on March 13. Details are here:



The Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition for Grades 7-12

Founded by the Sacred Heart Church in Camden, NJ, and sponsored by the Nick Virgilio Haiku Association in memory of Nicholas A. Virgilio, a charter member of the Haiku Society of America, who died in 1989. The Haiku Society of America cosponsors the contest, provides judges, and publishes the results in Frogpond and on the HSA Web site.

Deadline: In hand by March 25, 2009. Entries received after that date will not be accepted.

Eligibility: Any student in grades 7 through 12 enrolled in school as of September 2008 may enter.

Regulations: Submit up to three haiku per student. All haiku must be previously unpublished, original work, and not entered in any other contest or submitted elsewhere for publication. Please follow the guidelines carefully. Publication is defined as an appearance in a printed book, magazine, or journal (sold or given away), or in any online journal that presents edited periodic content. The appearance of poems in online discussion lists or personal Web sites is not considered publication. Judges will be asked to disqualify any haiku that they have seen before.

Submissions: Each haiku must be typed in triplicate on 3" x 5" cards. The haiku must appear on the front of each card; your name, address, age, grade level, and school (please include the school address) must appear on the back of (only) one of the cards for each haiku. Please do not send self-addressed stamped envelope with your entries. All winners will be notified. Winning haiku and commentaries will appear in Frogpond. Do not use staples for any purpose. Failure to follow this format will make it impossible to judge an entry and may result in the disqualification of a submission without notification.

Entry fee: None.

Submit entries to:

Tony Virgilio
Nick Virgilio Haiku Association
1092 Niagara Rd
Camden, NJ 08104-2859.

Adjudication: Judges named by the HSA.

Awards: Six haiku will be selected and each awarded $50. The winning haiku and list of winners will be published in Frogpond and on the HSA Web site. The high school of each student winner will receive a one-year subscription to Frogpond.

Rights: All rights revert to the authors after publication.

Correspondence: Please keep a copy of your haiku; entries cannot be returned.

It would be VERY helpful for any interested students to read the haiku written by previous winners. A link to those winners is as follows: http://www.hsa-haiku.org/virgilioawards/virgilio.htm

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

And don't forget to look at The With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2009 as it's for a good cause.

Results of last year's competition can be seen at:
2008 competition results

all my best,
