Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A list of contest

Angelee Deodhar sent this list of upcoming contest:

J. Franklin Dew Award

Cash prizes totalling $US100 for a series of 3-4 haiku on a single theme. Winners announced on April 22 and posted to the Poetry Society of Virginia's website.
Closes: Postmarked January 19.
Cost: $US4/poem. No e-mail entries.
Full details from the website (category 12).

Lyman Haiku Award

Cash prizes totalling $US50. Limit 1 poem. Winner will receive a copy of Pinesong, and be invited to read at the North Carolina Poetry Society Awards Day meeting. Winner will be notified in April.
Closes: January 20.
Cost: Free if an NCPS member, otherwise $US3/poem.
Full details from the website.

Kikakuza Haibun Competition

Kikakuza is a group of haikai (linked-verse) poets founded in 2005 in honour of Kikaku (1661-1707), Basho's celebrated disciple. The contest will be judged by Nobuyuki Yuasa and Stephen Henry Gill and results announced in the Kikakuza Bulletin and on its homepage. There is a 30-line limit to entries (and 80 spaces per line!) with at least 1 haiku included.
Closes: January 31.
Cost: Free for those living outside Japan.
Send entries to Kikakuza (c/- Kifuu Futagami) 117-1 Nakogi, Hadano-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan 257-0024.
For full details see this website.

Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Haiku Award

Cash prizes totalling $US300. Limit of 15 haiku. Winners will be named in April and poems published in The Dragonfly, newsletter of the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland.
Closes: January 31.
Cost: $US1/poem
Full details from the website. Last year's winners, and judges' comments, here.

Biennial British Haiku Society Haibun Anthology

Entries must be between 100 and 2000 words long, including haiku. Entries on disk (floppy or CD, in Word format) are preferred. It is anticipated that the anthology will be published by Christmas 2009. All those whose work is included will receive 1 copy of the anthology.
Closes: In hand February 1.
Cost: £6/$US12 for a single haibun, £3/$US6 for each additional haibun.
Full details from the website.

Moonset Competition

Separate categories for haiku, senryu, tanka, renku, haibun and haiga. Prizes of subscriptions to moonset. Winners notified by March 1, and results published in the [northern] spring/summer issue.
Closes: In-hand February 1.
Cost: $US2/ poem
For full details see the website where you can pay online and enter by e-mail.

Pinewood Haiku Contest

Cash prizes totalling $US175. Winners will be published in the April issue of Wisteria. Limit of 3. No e-mail entries.
Closes: February 14.
Cost: $US2/poem or 3 poems for $US5.
Full details from the website.

Betty Drevniok Award

Cash prizes totalling $C175. Winners announced in May with top 11 poems published in a Haiku Canada Sheet and distributed with the Haiku Canada Anthology.
Closes: February 14 (postmarked).
Cost: $C5 (in Canada)/ $US5 (outside Canada) for up to 3 haiku.
For a copy of the broadsheet with winning haiku include a business-size SAE and $US1 for postage. Full details from the website.

Ito En Oi Ocha New Haiku Contest

Cash prizes (in yen), green tea products and inclusion in an anthology. Winning haiku will appear on Oi Ocha product packaging from August; results announced in July. Entrants are encouraged to "express themselves freely". Limit of 6 haiku.
Closes: February 28.
Cost: Free. E-mail via the website.
Full details here.

Free XpresSion Haiku Contest

Cash prize for best single haiku of $A100; 1 sheet of 4 haiku is deemed to be 1 entry. Winners published in Free XpresSion. No name or contact details to appear on the poems, only the entry form.
Closes: February 28.
Cost: $A5/ sheet of 4 haiku; $A25/ 6 sheets.
For full details, entry forms and instructions on how to pay entry fee from outside Australia, e-mail editor Peter Pike or write to PO Box 4, West Hoxton, NSW 2171, Australia.

Jack Stamm Haiku Award

Cash prizes totalling $A175 with a competition anthology (1 copy free to each author selected). Results will be published in paper wasp in June, and the anthology in August. Haiku not to have been published on the internet.
Closes: March 1.
Cost: $A10 (from within Australia)/ $A12 (from NZ if paid in Australian currency)/ $US10 for each sheet of 3 haiku.
Full details from this website.

Robert Spiess Memorial Award

Cash prizes totalling $US175 and copies of Bob's books. Limit of 5 haiku on the theme of "speculation". Winning entries will be published in the (northern) summer issue of Modern Haiku and posted on the website.
Closes: In hand March 13.
Cost: $US1/haiku.
Full details from the website.

UkiaHaiku Festival

An annual festival dedicated to haiku in Ukiah, California. There are 2 categories of interest to overseas entrants: Traditional Haiku (5-7-5), and Contemporary Haiku Adult (free form). Limit of 3 poems per entrant per category. Awards will be presented at the April 29 festival.
Closes: March 17 (postmarked).
Cost: Traditonal - free; Contemporary - $US5/haiku or $US10/2-3 haiku.
Full details from the website.

Robert Frost Poetry Festival Haiku Contest

Cash prizes totalling $US175. Limit of 3 poems, 3-line haiku only.
Closes: March 23 (postmarked).
Cost: $US10/3 haiku.
Full details from the website.

True Vine Summer Chapbook Contest

Cash prize of $US20, plus 20 copies of the chapbook. Send 8-12 haiku/senryu on the theme of summer (previously published poems acceptable). The chapbook will be available from June. No e-mail entries.
Closes: March 30.
Cost: Free.
Full details from the website.

Haiku Magazine Contest

Limit of 6 haiku. Results will be published in the (northern) spring/summer issue of Haiku magazine and winners and selected others in an anthology.
Closes: March 31.
Cost: Free.
Full details from this website.

Mildred Kanterman Memorial Merit Book Awards

For excellence in published haiku, translation, and criticism. Cash prizes totalling $US650. A list of winners will be published in Frogpond and the HSA website. Books must have been published in 2008 and clearly must contain a printed 2008 ©. An author or publisher may submit more than one title.
Closes: In hand by March 31.
Cost: Free.
Full details from the website.

Kaji Aso Studio Contest

For haiku, senryua, tanka, haiga and "concise" haibun. Cash prizes totalling $US450, plus the Elizabeth Searle Lamb Memorial Prize of $US50. The top 13 poems will be published in Dasoku.
Closes: April 15 postmarked.
Cost: $US2/ 2 International Reply Coupons per poem. It is also possible to enter by text message.
For full details see the website.

Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar Contest

Cash prizes totalling £300. Twelve haiku will be picked as monthly winners; 40 others will be runners-up. All will be published. Haiku should include a seasonal word or activity. Results announced on June 30.
Closes: April 30.
Cost: £2.50/$US5/haiku; £5/$US10/3 haiku; £10/$US20 up to 10 haiku.
Full details (including advice on seasonal words, how to assign months and to see past winners) from the website.


Pamela A. Babusci said...

dear angelee,

thanks for passing on the list
of haiku contests, that I SENT
to YOU yesterday, to the group!!

HUGS, pamela

Pan Haiku Review said...

Don't forget!
The With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2009

View the results of our first competition: the results

Pamela Babusci got a respectable third place!!!

all my best,
