Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday updates - 3/31/2010

Darlington Richards are proud to announce the launch of their first title, containing 115 haibun from this master of the poetic form which combines distilled, essentialised prose with haiku:

The Plenitude of Emptiness
hortensia anderson : collected haibun
with an introduction by Jim Kacian

"If haibun didn't exist, it's possible that Hortensia Anderson would have had to invent it" - Jim Kacian

"[Hortensia's] haibun are executed in brief, delicate brushstrokes that skilfully weave the ethereal and wistful through the harsh realities of life" - Maria Steyn

This title is available now from at

Best wishes
Norman Darlington
Moira Richards

Robert Moyer sent this:

Here is a link to a book called HAIKU I reviewed in the Winston Salem Journal. Not many mainstream mysteries deal with poetry let alone haiku. The conceit here is centered around what we might call a "death" haiku, which takes on more meaning in a mystery novel. Vachss is a master of searing detail that has been known to make many a reader cringe.

Saša Važic
sent this:

The Mainichi Daily News Haiku in English Annual Selection 2009

Judge's Comments: 'Haiku in season'

A new issue of Roadrunner is online:

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Great to see a book out including Hortensia's haibun.

The term "essential reading" is horribly overused, but this book really is essential reading for anyone interested in writing the best, direct, real haibun being written today.

With Words

Co-Judge: Kids Count for Earthday 5-7-5 Haiku Contest 2010
