Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday updates

Melissa Allen sent this:

It is my honor to announce the launch of Multiverses, a new online journal dedicated to publishing modern English haiku and related forms of Japanese poetry, as well as to make an initial call for submissions for our first issue (due out in Spring of 2012). From our editorial statement:

"Each moment of our lives is a haiku waiting to happen. The unique way in which we experience these moments creates an authentic and personal reality known only to ourselves—our own little universe, so to speak. Yet we are all part of the same sum. By sharing our individual experiences and observations, we gain perspective and insight into the world of others, therefore becoming better attuned and more intimate with our own. It is with this idea in mind that Multiverses happened into existence."

We are so excited and pleased to have an incredible team of editors, including:

Paul Smith, Tanka Editor
Melissa Allen, Haibun Editor
Alexis Rotella, Haiga Editor
Johannes S. H. Bjerg, Features Editor

Please feel free to share this post and spread the word about our launch. For more information about Multiverses, including details on submitting your work (deadline for our inaugural issue is February 15!), please visit We're all looking forward to reading your work!

John Hawk
Founder, Haiku Editor
Multiverses (

Alexis Rotella sent this:

Attention Haiga Artists:

As haiga editor of the new journal Multiverses founded by poet John Hawk, I am asking you to illustrate this lovely haiku by Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu for Multiverses Journal:

first snow -
the child steps outside
in his velvet slippers

Any approach is acceptable and I look forward to seeing what your creative juices will bring to the occasion. Submit to

Cathy Drinkwater Better sent this:

Aglow at Noon: Selected Haiku and Tanka, by Edith Bartholomeusz. Black Cat Press, Eldersburg, MD, USA. Illustrated by Cathy Drinkwater Better. Softcover; size, 5-½ in. x 5 in. (similar to quarto size), 122 pp; ISBN 978-0-9834197-1-6. $12.00, postage paid. Published November 2011. Available, signed, from the author; email; or write to 2713 W. Ashurst Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85045 USA.

This is the second compilation of haiku and tanka by widely published poet Edith Bartholomeusz. Includes are both previously published and new work as well as illustrations for a number of the poems by poet and haiga artist Cathy Drinkwater Better. A prologue by the poet offers an insight into her creative process.

In Aglow at Noon, Edith Bartholomeusz has crafted a pastoral elegy of unusual form and power, dignity and grace, using the spare simplicities of haiku and tanka,” noted Michael McClintock, past president of the Tanka Society of America (2004–2010). “Each poem is but a transitory moment in a longer procession through time. In the whole of the vision that unfolds, we may sense the mysteries of life and death, as within the ordinary processes of nature we experience consolation and renewed conviction. Bartholomeusz's restraint is monumental, her destination profound,” he concluded.

Stanford M. Forrester, editor of bottle rockets: a collection of short verse, stated, “Edith Bartholomeusz is a traveled and seasoned poet. This is evident in Aglow at Noon which, simply stated, is a beautiful book. Highly recommended.”

Jessie Carty's new book of poems entitled An Amateur Marriage is available here. She writes:

Thank you so much to everyone who has already ordered my upcoming chapbook "An Amateur Marriage" from Finishing Line Press.

Some people have mentioned a reluctance to order online and/or to order without a guarantee of an autograph so I wanted to offer you guys one more chance to order from me directly!

I'm attaching an order form that you can email back to me or that you can print and mail back to me.

If you are emailing then pay me directly the $14 via paypal to this email address and send this form back so I know where to send the book when it is released in March as well as whether or not to sign it!

If you want to mail me a check (make it out to me) I'll put in a big order to Finishing Line and ship you the book myself in March.

I know not everyone wants to pre-order but your support really helps determine how many will be printed!!!

Hope everyone has a terrific holiday season :) I'll be taking pre-orders through 12-31-11 and Finishing Line will close out pre-orders on 1-4-12.


-Jessie Carty

Happy Holidays from Turtle Light Press!

Thank you for your support!

We just wanted to take a few moments to wish each of you a Happy Holiday and enjoyable New Year!

We have two incredible book projects this coming year: a new edition of one of this country's premier haiku poets, Nick Virgilio, who wrote about nature, life in Camden, N.J., and the loss of his brother Larry in the Vietnam war. It will be edited by haiku poet Raffael de Gruttola and is due out in the spring.

The second project is a limited edition of Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai's work, entitled "The Amichai Windows," which will feature 18 poems in separate paper and glass editions. We are hoping to have a kickoff exhibition of the book at a leading museum or university library.

In February, we will announce the winner of our 2012 haiku chapbook competition. We received entries from New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Ethiopia, Canada, the U.S. and other countries, so stay tuned for a winner's announcement.

As a small token of our gratitude, we have placed all of our boxed note cards on sale at 30 percent off. Usually, a box of cards retails for $16 -- now, they're $10 each plus free shipping. The sale runs through January 1.

Again, thanks so much to each of you for your continued support and encouragement of our work -- not to mention your business!


Rick Black
Turtle Light Press

From: The Sketchbook Editors: Karina Klesko and John Daleiden

Dear Curtis Dunlap,

Please post this invitation to a New Year's Haiku and Haiga Festival.

We invite haijin to participate in the Sketchbook New Year’s Festival Haiku: Please review this link for full details:
Haiku and / or Haiga may be sent at anytime after December 1, 2011. The Haiku and Haiga will be displayed after Midnight on December 30, 2011 at this link: Sketchbook New Year’s Haiku and Haiga Festival Klesko/Director Sketchbook
Karina Klesko, Senior Editor
John Daleiden, Editor/Webmaster
kk / jd

Scott Owens sent this:

The January 10 Poetry Hickory should kick off the year in memorable fashion.  Tamra (Tammy) Wilson will be back, reading fiction from her new book of short stories, Dining with Robert Redford.  And John Lane, author of 14 (or more) books including poetry, creative nonfiction, personal narrative, nature writing, and critical studies, will be reading from either (or both) his award winning new and selected poems collection called Abandoned Quarry or his new personal narrative, My Paddle to the Sea: Eleven Days on the Rivers of the Carolinas. Lane is co-founder of Hub City Press and Director of Wofford College's Goodall Environmental Studies Center.

As always, we'll begin at 4:00 with Writers' Night Out for anyone interested in meeting and talking with local writers of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction; we'll have Open Mic at 5:30 (still two slots open -- Doug McHargue has one); and the featured writers will begin at 6:00.

Featured writers will have copies of their books for sale, and each purchase from the featured writers (or of the Best of Poetry Hickory anthology) earns you a free book from series sponsor Main Street Rag.  And of course, Taste Full Beans will have coffee, tea, cookies, brownies, sandwiches, salads, and much else for sale as well.

The flier for the reading is attached.  Please help spread the word by posting it online and in the non-virtual world.

Susan Nelson Myers and Charlotte Digregorio shared this Curbside Haiku link:


  1. Wow what a wonderfully jammed-packed issue of BATR!! Good luck to Multiverses. I look forward to submitting to you in the new year!

  2. To all my good friends, have a very holy and merry Christmas and a blessed New Year of all good things...leaving a gift at the end of each day. When I see the amazing array of good things you are all working on for us to share in the coming year, I am at a loss for words to know how to thank such devotion. con afeccion, Merrill
