Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday updates

Scott Owens sent this update:

Hi, all,

Just a quick reminder that next Tuesday (3/13) is the next Poetry Hickory.  At 4:00, Maureen Sherbondy will lead a workshop on using art as inspiration for writing.  Then at 5:30 we will have Open Mic readings from Bill Mills, Kim Teague, and Patricia Deaton and featured readings from Maureen and Malaika King Albrecht.  Visit for more detail on our featured writers and Maureen's workshop.  The workshop, by the way, is only $10, and I still have several slots open for anyone interested in participating.

As always, Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse in downtown Hickory will host us, and Main Street Rag will sponsor us.

Looking ahead a bit, in case you haven't heard, at 6:00 on March 20, Taste Full Beans is also hosting a Book Release Party for my new book, For One Who Knows How to Own Land.

Call me (828-234-4266) or email me with questions.

Scott also sent this:

Hey, Curtis,

I hope you can join me for the Book Release Party for my new book, For One Who Knows How to Own Land, at 6:00 on Tuesday, March 20, at Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse in downtown Hickory.  I will bring wine and snacks.  I'll read a little, talk a little, and hopefully sell and sign a few books.  The new one will be $15.

My other books will also be on sale as follows:
Country Roads $20
Something Knows the Moment $10
The Nature of Attraction $5
Paternity $10
The Fractured World $10

Everybody is welcome, so bring friends.

A flier with more details about the new book is attached.

Hope to see you there.

Scott Owens

Billie Wilson sent this:

Hello Haiku Folk,

Just a friendly reminder that the in-hand deadline is fast approaching for The Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Awards for 2012.  I think this year's theme is especially intriguing and look forward to how it will be interpreted by haiku poets in their entries:

"Haiku have three forms or manifestations: the written, which enters the eye; the spoken, which enters the ear; and the essential . . . which enters the heart." [Prompted in part by a passage by Sa'in al-Din ibn Turkah.] (from A Year’s Speculations on Haiku by Robert Spiess and published by Modern Haiku Press, 1995).

Guidelines are at Modern Haiku's website:

All the best,

Charlotte Digregorio sent this:

Hello, Haikuists:

Please see the attachment, and let me know how many of you plan to attend, including your family/friends, so I can pass this information along to the Library. The Library wants Patrons and The Public to RSVP directly to them, but I will provide them with our numbers.



Katikati Haiku Contest


I would be grateful if you could post/share information about this year’s Katikati Haiku Contest, a contest that is held only every 2 years. All proceeds from the contest go towards the Haiku Pathway project in Katikati, the largest collection of haiku “stones” outside Japan.

For the pathway’s 10th anniversary in 2010, 10 new poem boulders were added to the collection ... plus one more, thanks to a surprise gift from the local council. Members of Katikati Lions are now investigating a project to extend the pathway upstream, which will include new poems added to the outdoor gallery.

Please find a page of information about the contest here:

Many thanks for your help,
Sandra Simpson
secretary, Katikati Haiku Pathway Focus Committee

Penny Harter sends the following:

I spent this past week as author-in-residence at St. Mary of the Lake School in Medford, NJ. (As you can tell, the woman in the photo below is not of me but of another author who also visited the school.)

You will find a photo, feature article about my and her visits to the school, and a very brief video clip of me teaching haiku (stressing that all 5-7-5 verses are not haiku) to 4th grade at:

I worked with both 4th and 7th grades, and they wrote haiku, haibun (wonderful haibun which I will encourage the 7th graders to submit), and various prose and verse pieces in response to the Hubble Space Telescope photos.

Author-in-residence a highlight of Read Across America week

Rick Black sent this update:

Dear Curtis,

We are pleased to let you and the haiku community know that the winner of the 2012 Turtle Light Press Haiku Chapbook Contest is Graham High's "The Window That Closes."  It was an especially difficult job this year to pick a winner as so many of the manuscripts were of a high caliber. An honorable mention was taken by Duro Jaiye's "There Was a Time."

TLP plans to publish the winning manuscript in Spring/Summer 2013. We are also going to do an e-anthology to highlight some of the wonderful haiku found in so many of the entries and will let you know when it's up. Here's a link to the full announcment:

Many thanks to all of the contestants who entrusted their poems to us and, of course, to you for sharing the news!


Rick Black and Kwame Dawes
Judges, TLP 2012 Haiku Chapbook Competition

Susumu Takiguchi sent this:

WHC NEWS 01 March 2012


Re: Call for Submissions for the Next Issue

Dear Kuyu,

The next issue of World Haiku Review (WHR) is planned for Spring 2012 (end March or early April).

As for haiku poems in English or in English translation, send in by e-mail anything you like, traditional or non-traditional on any topic, free or formal style, kigo or muki, up to ten poems which have not been published or are not considered for publication elsewhere to both: AND Please use the font "Ariel", size 12 and present your haiku in the simplest and most straightforward format, all starting from the left margin, avoiding fanciful layout and formation. Please do not forget to write your country with your full name. Suggested themes: Life and late winter and/or spring scenes

The only criterion for selection is quality. Please therefore send in your finest works as soon as you can.

For this issue the deadline is Sunday 25 March. So, please hurry. We ourselves will put selected haiku poems in either the Neo-classical, Shintai (or new style) or Vanguard sections according to their characteristics. You, as the writer, therefore need not worry abouth this classification. Just send what happens to come out best and we will do the rest.

As for other works relating to haiku (haibun, articles, essays, haiga or bookreviews on haiku etc.), just send in whatever you think would deserve publication in WHR. Once again, quality is the key.

If you have books which you wish to be reviewed, send a review copy to me.

I will mention some indications about our selection below for those who may be interested to know them. (For detailed explanation, visit the Editorial of WHR August 2011 at:

We wish to continue to endeavour to present a unique haiku magazine which, while deeply rooted in tradition, is full of new ideas, innovative features or critical views. It will continue to aim at the highest standards and top quality as always.

Kengin to all,

Susumu Takiguchi
Managing Editor and Acting Editor-in-Chief, World Haiku Review
Chairman, The World Haiku Club

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