Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Updates

Japanese Arts Fusion 

 Dear Poet Friends and Friends of Poets,

 I would like to share information with you about a Japanese Performing Arts Event with commissioned art installation which I have organized for the Pacific Asia Museum in the Los Angeles CA area, one of only four American institutions to exhibit Pan-Asia arts. The museum has been wonderfully supportive, and will use this event as their "kick off event" for this year's focus on Japanese Arts.

 I wish you all could be there!

 Linda Galloway

Click the image for more information

Saša Važić sent this:

Dear haiku friends,

We invite you to participate in our international haiku contest. You can read about it here

We would be grateful to you if you will spread the news. Thank you very much.


Eduard Tara

Kaji Aso Studio Haiku Contest


I'd like to invite you to participate in this year's Kaji Aso Studio Haiku Contest.

You may send as many haiku or senryu as you like at $2 each: type or neatly print your submissions (you may put them all on a single sheet of paper if you wish).  If you send senryu, please mark them as such.  Be sure to include your email address and/or an SASE so that we can notify you of the results!

Our first prize is $250; second $100; third $50; senryu $50.

Please send all entries to:

Kaji Aso Studio
40 Saint Stephen Street
Boston, MA  02115

You can see the winning entries from 2011 and previous years at

All entries must be mailed by APRIL 15, 2012.  All rights revert to the authors after June, 2012 when the winners will be announced. 

The Kaji Aso Studio is a center for the arts in Boston founded by Japanese painter, poet, and musician Kaji Aso to promote a positive, nature-centered philosophy and practice of art.  We have held classes and hosted hundreds of exhibitions, concerts, and readings reading for over thirty years. The Studio is also the home of the Boston Haiku Society, which meets here every third Saturday of the month.

Please join us!
John Ziemba

Submissions for the The Frugal Poet: Recipes and Poems for Lean Times anthology are arriving in our inboxes. Susan and I would like to thank everyone who has sent a recipe and poem. We've enjoyed reading your poems and the stories behind each recipe.

For those of you who have not submitted a recipe, please browse over to The Frugal Poet submissions page to read our guidelines.

And finally, I have some sad news:

Hatsue Kawamura passed away on February 11th.  Hatsue Kawamura and Jane Reichhold worked on many important books together including:

Nakajo, Fumiko. Breasts of Snow.
Trans. Hatsue Kawamura and Jane Reichhold. Tokyo:The Japan Times Press, 2004

Baba, Akiko. Heavenly Maiden Tanka.
Trans. Hatsue Kawamura and Jane Reichhold. Gualala CA:AHA Books, 1999

Saito, Fumi, White Letter Poems.
Trans. Hatsue Kawamura and Jane Reichhold. Gualala CA: AHA Books, 1998

Please join me in extending our deepest condolences to the friends and family of Hatsue Kawamura.


  1. so very sad to hear of Hatsue passing. i have all the book translations that jane & her so wonderfully published. she will be greatly missed.

  2. Yes, sad to hear of Hatsue's passing, although since she had been in a coma for so long, perhaps her passing is a relief of her suffering. I had the pleasure to meet Hatsue in Vancouver, BC at the world tanka conference (2000), and also in Japan. In Tokyo, she was a most generous host when I was a guest for a meeting of the tanka club there. She was always so enthusiastic about tanka, especially tanka in English -- those who write tanka should be grateful for her forward-thinking support of English-language tanka through the Tanka Journal, which she edited for many years. My condolences to all her family and friends.

