Thursday, September 30, 2010

Poets and Poems - Curtis Dunlap

love poem

I like to imagine
that she's
googled me;
she'll read
a few
of my poems
in an online
the one
I penned for her
decades ago.
she'll rise from her chair,
retrieve an old shoe box
from a closet,
sit down
at the kitchen table
with a cup of coffee,
tenderly lift
and unfold
a yellowed scrap
of notebook paper,
read that love poem
look wistfully
out the window
her rose garden
and say,
"I'm glad
I didn't marry
that poor bastard."

The Wild Goose Poetry Review Volume 4, Issue 4 Winter 2009

If you would like to participate in this series, send a photo of yourself composing a poem or writing or a picture of a location where you enjoy writing, along with one of your poems (the type/genre of poem doesn't matter). This series will allow us to see the various locations that inspire us or where we go to write.


  1. hahaha. enjoyed reading it. the last line brought a smile on my face :D

  2. Hi Priyanka!

    I'm pleased that you enjoyed my little "love poem". You can go to my home page at:

    Click the "Contact" link to send me an email.

    I'll reply later tonight.

    Thank you for your interest!


  3. hahaha, "Cuz" that was a surprise ending--loved it!

  4. Would you consider it a real knee-slapper, Cousin Terri?


  5. Hi, Curtis, Thanks, I needed that today! The storm is upon us ...lights flickering, computer going out - on - out again and then to come to this smile (belly laugh?)
    How are things down there. Hear you just had some rain...
    Cheers, Merrill

  6. Hi Merrill,

    I'm pleased that "love poem" gave you a laugh. That was its intention. :-)

    Yeah, I bet you getting the rain we had yesterday and last night. Lot of flooding down here, but we're high and dry. The Mayo is seven blocks away and we're on the top of a hill.

    Stay dry and warm. We're definitely in a seasonal shift.

    Cheers to you, too.


  7. Hi, Curtis, We're in the middle of it now. We had one storm come off the Atlantic, got your storm, and then tonight came another storm off the Atlantic. They keep promising that tomorrow will be dry... but you know what they say about weather forecasts. But glad they have been mild here..just steady rain and losing power off and on for a couple of days. Merrill
