Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Chorus 2009

I had the pleasure of attending Christmas Eve Communion with my children tonight at Mayodan United Methodist Church. Frankly, I didn't feel like going. The last few days have been a blur of last minute shopping. I felt...drained.

But I'm glad I went. It was wonderful being part of a service of peace, especially with my family, and by that I mean my family and my church family.

So, to the readers of Tobacco Road, I hope you find a moment of peace during the holidays. Think about our little blue marble spinning in the cosmos and know that we are special. While some folks might argue that, in the grand scheme of things, our size proves our insignificance, I believe that our tiny size is precisely why we are special. After all, everyone knows that the best presents come in small packages.

We have an all ladies chorus this year. Men, your turn next year!

Christmas Montage 2009

"Season's Greetings" . . .
braggart's annual letter
fuels the yule log

Charlotte Digregorio
Modern Haiku, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, Fall, 1995

the creche
light glows still
in the blizzard

Merrill Gonzales

dog-eared script
I prompt a wise man
from the wings

Peggy Willis Lyles

snow falling
on the eyelashes
of the carriage horse

Penny Harter

rainy night
Christmas lights blinking
on the pub door

Ellen Compton
[from pocket change, Washington DC: Towpath, 2000]

out all night
the Christmas wreath, crooked
on the door

Michele L. Harvey

after the reindeer cookie
only a redhot
on her plate

susan delphine delaney

Christmas morning
the twinkle of tinsel
on the cat’s nose

Cathy Drinkwater Better

Christmas Day
a white gyrfalcon perches
on the patio

Johnye Strickland

christmas day
our kmart tree leans
to the left

Roberta Beary

Thank you ladies!

Wishing you all a Joyous Holiday Season!

Curtis DunlapPhoto by Kristi Merritt



  2. Christmas Eve -
    the widow is warmed
    by the neighbor's light

    Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing yours with us.

  3. I feel deep affection for you and our mutual friends, Curtis, and for the small planet we share.

    prayers for peace
    a blue turtle rises
    from the starry sea

  4. once more
    Merry Christmas !
    on the dusty car window

    best wishes for the holidays and a great new year.

    love and peace,

  5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family, all the readers of the blog and to everybody else...
    Thanks for the snowflakes and for the haiku.

    with tired steps
    making my way through snow --
    distant midnight bells

    Sasa Vazic

  6. Beautiful Christmas wish.
    Wishing you a merry Christmas and all the best to you and your family.

    on Christmas morning
    sparkling before the tree
    little eyes

  7. thank you dear Curtis (and ladies)

  8. Size does matter! Merry Christmas, from Don @ Lilliput Review.

  9. merry Christmas Curtis to you and your family and all the haiku community

    eggnog toast --
    the snowman's
    beercan nose


  10. Merry Christmas, and thank you for the haiku, everyone. Was lovely to wake up to this.

  11. dear everybody,
    wishing you a joyful, peaceful & spirit filled holiday season!

    all of god's blessings!

    Christmas morning
    my niece keeps orbiting
    the tree

  12. Loved reading everyone's work this year - Merry Christmas!

    blaze of sparkle
    sun upon the frozen pond
    water breaking free

  13. Here are a few of my haiku for the season:

    toll booth lit for Christmas--
    from my hand to hers
    warm change

    Christmas Eve--
    bits of a price sticker
    stuck to my finger

    home for Christmas:
    my childhood desk drawer

    first Christmas--
    our baby sleeps through
    the unwrapping of his gifts

    Peace to all!

  14. Here, too, is a haibun of mine, titled "An Austrian Christmas."
