Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ryokan video & a free verse poem

Don Wentworth, proprietor of the always entertaining and informative Issa's Untidy Hut, has posted an intriguing video that contains a poem by Ryokan. I suppose you could call it a video haibun. The video is at the end of this post.

It's been ninety days since my free verse poem, Wheel Jammin', was published in the Christian Science Monitor. According to the contract I signed, rights revert back to me which means I can publish my poem on my web site or blog.

Wheel Jammin'

tapping bongo rhythms
on our steering wheels,
grooving to saxophone riffs,
setting the morning mood,
sun brighter, breeeeeze cooler,
all stoplights green;
for four minutes of radio time,
the lady in my rear-view mirror
isn't a soccer mom in a mini-van
and I'm not lost in an Olds,
we are lovers
of a smoooooth jazz song,
bobbing our heads
like bobblehead dolls,
wheel jammin' and smiling our way
through Hillsborough, North Carolina

--Curtis Dunlap

This poem was inspired by something I witnessed last April while driving to the North Carolina Haiku Society's annual Haiku Holiday. And for those of you curious as to what song was playing, I present via YouTube, the beautiful and lovely Sade:

1 comment:

  1. Curtis:

    Thanks for the kind words and tip of the hat ... and congrats again on the Christian Science Monitor publication.

