Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Darko Plazanin has passed away

Carole Macrury notified me of this very sad news:

Dear Curtis,

This announcement just came in from Tomislav Maretic in Croatia. Darko Plazanin was well known in many countries, including people in our own. Some of us, including myself, participate in the Samobar Haiku Meetings through publication in their yearly anthology.

Tomislav Maretic's words:

Darko Plazanin passed away today.

A sad day - for Croatian haiku and for all of us who were his friends...

after the storm
a boy wiping the sky
from the tables

Ehime Prefecture first prize
1990 National Cultural Festival

Darko Plazanin
Samobor, Croatia

A longer bio of this remarkable poet is located at:


Please join me in extending our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Darko Plazanin.


  1. this is very sad news. i remember reading "after the storm" in 1990
    and i was taken back by it's beauty
    and it's deep insight into the
    ordinary events in life.
    this great haiku poet will be missed.

    with heartfelt sympathy,
    pamela a. babusci

  2. For Darko, a cheerful man and a very fine poet who will be missed.

    through a morning
    shrouded in fog

    My condolences to Darko’s family, friends and to the Samobor Haiku Poets.

    in sympathy,


  3. the house in ruins
    on its window a sparrow
    is nesting

    The driving force behind the annual Samobor susreti haiku meeting, Darko and his poetry will be sorely missed. My deepest sympathy to Darko's family and friends.

    Norman Darlington, Ireland
