Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday updates - October 13

A new issue of Simply Haiku is online. Click the link below to access the new issue:

Dennis Chibi had an interesting idea, honoring last Sunday's date of 10/10/10 by posting a three line poem with 10 syllables in each line on Nora Wood's Facebook page. A few of my Facebook friends responded to my request for ten,ten,ten poems (decapoems?) so, some written in jest, others artistically, here are the poems.

Dennis Chibi:
short days of october are filled with sweets
little gouls and goblins roam city streets
leaves turn colors while all enjoy the treats

Michele Harvey:
the last morning shadows of the first frost
recede into the bustle of the day
and garlic cloves will nose their way to bed

Terri Hale French:
slicing up flank steak for beef fajitas
add peppers, onions, and spices to pot
for the next six hours our taste buds simmer

Lynne Rees:
All day this odd malaise accompanied
by the first true autumn day - grey sky, wind.
A day for spiced tea, letters to old friends.

Paul David Mena:
hot sauce so hot it would have seared my soul
if I had one; instead, I was taken
to a happy place of pure, perfect pain.

Mary Melodee Mena:
Just planted dozens of daffodil bulbs~
a big burst of yellow on the hillside?
or a freebie buffet for the chipmunks?

Curtis Dunlap:
off to see the pig races at the fair
we'll eat pork barbecue while we are there
that is, if I can catch the wee porker
