Monday, October 19, 2009

Seabeck Haiku Getaway Reading

What a wonderful treat to find on a Monday morning! Dejah Leger filmed several poets reading their poems at the recent Seabeck Haiku Getaway. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks, Curtis, for presenting these readings - I was able to meet some of my favorite poets. A special treat!

    Warren Gossett

  2. that was very cool, curtis! it was especially nice to see and hear penny harter representing the east coast haijin :)

  3. Oh, Curtis, I'll be coming back to this one again and again. I had so hoped I'd get to see a bit of Seabeck. So many thanks! Merrill

  4. And let me add a big old Southern "Thank You" to Dejah Leger for recording this snippet of haiku history.

    I've watched the video several times today. :)

  5. It would be great to have you all at Seabeck next year (same weekend next October). More folks attending from around the country would be a treat. We had such a great time, despite the rain to start (but, hey, we had rainbows!). And next year we'll be expanding to a three-day weekend instead of just two days. Thanks for posting Dejah's wonderful video, Curtis.


  6. Thanks for posting the video! It's so great to put faces with names. I'm hoping to make more of these in the near future. Haiku goes high tech!

  7. If you haven't seen them yet, I have an extensive set of photos from the 2009 Seabeck Haiku Getaway online at -- including a few photos of when Dejah was recording this video. We had a great time! Thanks to Dejah for her video!


  8. We've confirmed our dates for the next Seabeck Haiku Getaway: November 4 to 7, 2010. We've added an extra day and will now start on Thursday. For more information, please visit our already updated Seabeck retreat page at We'll start taking registrations on September 1, 2010, but if you might be interested in coming, please do let me know beforehand at


  9. The schedule for our 2010 Seabeck Haiku Getaway is now online at Our featured guest is Charles Trumbull. Also presenting are Penny Harter, Christopher Herold, Jerry Ball, and more. Are you coming?

