Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Publications, Call for Submissions, Haiku music, and a Sheryl Crow reading

The March issue of Contemporary Haibun Online has been released.

The spring issue of The 2River View has been released. North Carolina Haiku Society member, Richard Krawiec, has two poems in this issue. Click the embedded player below Richard's name to hear him read his poems.

Concise Delight Magazine of Short Poetry is a biannual print journal dedicated to publishing the very best of very short verse, from one to nine lines in length (not including title). Every short form, from one-line epigrammatic poems to three-tercet poems, and free verse up to nine lines in length, are welcome. Poems will not be judged by any of the widely varying haiku standards, nor as senryu, nor as zappai. Poems will be evaluated for their intrinsic poetic merit. Poems published in Concise Delight will not be labeled nor categorized. This is not a magazine about form; it is a magazine dedicated to top quality very short verse. Submissions are open for the summer 2009 issue.

Visible Verse Videopoems Call for Submissions: Pacific Cinémathèque and curator Heather Haley are seeking videopoem submissions from around the world for the annual Visible Verse screening and performance poetry celebration. SEE THE VOICE: Visible Verse is North America’s sustaining venue for the presentation of new and artistically significant poetry video and film. Guidelines and information are located here:



Prahas David Nafissian has uploaded a set of piano poems entitled, 'Haiku for Piano.' He writes:

I used a 5-7-5 rhythmic structure for the poems, borrowed from the syllabic structure of a traditional haiku. To have a listen, simply go to your favorite music site -- iTunes, Napster, Lala.com, Amazon.com, Shockhound, or Emusic -- and search for:
prahas haiku

And while we're on the subject of video poems and music, here's Sheryl Crow performing one of her classic songs as a poem:


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